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Utility Finanza
Sviluppatore Richmond Co.
0.99 USD

==Limited Time Sale **FREE** until July 1st, 2013==

It’s probably happened to you before, you are sitting at a restaurant with your friends and the waiter comes by with the bill. Almost at once, everyone pulls out their calculators in order to correctly gauge the tip. When you think about it, calculating a tip should be a simple process that can be done in your head, but you are too busy enjoying the company.

However, you wind up taking even more time, double checking the figures and wondering if you got the tip amount correct in the first place. In this case, what you need is an app that can do the tip calculation for you in a simple, straightforward manner so you get it right all the time.

The CheckTip App is the perfect way to quickly calculate a tip and get the right amount each and every time. The process that the CheckTip uses is advanced, but the result is the essence of simplicity. All you need to do is take a photo of your check with your smartphone camera. The CheckTip then uses advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to input the right number and quickly calculate your tip amount.
Thanks to the standardization of checks at restaurants, the CheckTip App can quickly identify the right space and location where your total is displayed. Then, the information is revealed on the photo of the check itself so you can see quickly how much you need to tip and the total amount as well. No guessing, no double checking needed. The CheckTip App does all the work for you and even makes the results easier to see.
Here’s the simple, three step process that you use with the CheckTip App so you can get the right amount for your tip each and every time.

Take a Photo of the Check: You’ll want to photograph the check as you would if you were reading it. Basically, you want the check to have the total amount, tip and final amount near the bottom with the check amount in the rectangular box that you will see when taking the photo. The check will have to be in good light, so if you have a flash feature or simply position the check where it has a decent amount of light, that will do.
Adjust the Slider: Once you have taken the photo, you’ll be given the option of the percentage of the total amount you want to pay as your tip. So if you want to pay 15%, simply slide the indicator until it reaches the 15% mark.

See the Results: Now that you are done, you can actually read the results right on the photo of the check. You will see the tip amount plus the tip amount added to your total to give you a final result that you can fill out on your check.

You can even keep the results for your records by clicking the green button and saving the photo. Now you can get accurate results that you can keep with the CheckTip App.